Home page of Zacharias Liangas
http://zlgr.multiply.com - radio logs, radio audio clips , photo reports , photo QSL . Very big material please visit it!
this will be soon be demised . you my look at
http://www.flickr.com/photos/zachgr general photos and photo reports
http://www.worldisround.com/articles/302315 travel info on Litochoron - my parents vilalge
http:/www.worldisround.com /articles/321199 photos from Tinos -trip on 2005
http://zliangas.blogspot.com the google's blog system
http://www.facebook.com/zachliang my facebook page
http://www.ipernity.com/home/zliangas with photos and the shack system
These pages are (the bold ones are i think the most important !)
Intruder list for Traxx and S'wak
Kaito AN200 antenna review
a review for new Degen DE1126 radio (7/12)
and son for PL360 tecsun
- arrticle on me an article that has been writen for a magazine and then translated by me
- biblio part of my radio bilbiography
- bolong a snslog radio stillused todays
- dipole an article on a temporary dipole antenna
- equipment my 3 shacks
- ethics page with Greek ethics
- experiment a antenna experiment
- FM Thessaloniki (nomaps) this is a listing of FM stations heard on 2007 without maps
- FM Litohoro : a listign of stations heard in our vacation(?) in our country house on 2009
- frape Frappe is the name of the shaked ice cold nescafe >some story behind it
- hisrtory.htm this is my history in radio and communications with pictures
- interests a listing of my other interests
- lefkada containing a PDF article on a trip to Lefkada
- lemnos containing a PDF with article on our vacation trip to Lemnos
- links page a page with links as of 2007
- litohoro this is my very firt article for Litohoro
- mp3comparisons #1 : thiis a is comaprisons chart between Lame and Xing
- mp3 comparisons 2 Comparison of Lame/ WMA v8 /MP3 codecs with pdf linked to my multiply page
- old log listing this is a full log listing of 2003
- overview R75 This is a review f my R75 ICOM communications recver
- pieria tv Peiria TV is ny TV channel , a co owning and being as tech director . read my history behind this channel
- pirates : the article refers to powerline QRN
- pirates.htm : this is a listing of pirate raedio stations heard over the last 12 years
- qsls ; a nearly complete listing of QSLs i recived throughourt the years (abt 500?)
- sat-installations this is my most important listing of satelite TV installations
- scanner comparison this is a comparison chart for 3 scanners i tested on 2003+
- Thes'niki TV channels ;as of 2007 unknown when i will update it due to family
- Thes FM maps : exact listing as of FM Thessaloniki (nomaps) including a map of transmit ions points
- Transmitters in Thessalonik : The 3 transmitting points in Thessaloniki : Filipion , Perea, HOrtiatis and the point of Avlis near to Athens
- trip to SEA on 2000 : our trip with some history on SNG , Bangkok and Bali on Sept 2000 as wedding trip (though 1 year later !)
Moreover some other very important articles posted in my other pages:
in Multiply : (transfered to this site and blogspot as in end of this year the site will be colelpsed )
- New sansa E130 report
- An uncommon reception recport
- HDFM : the american digital radiostandard , in greek
- Local noises
- more QRN
- Kchibo Chibo C300 world band radio mini review of this wonderful mini radio
- Oversimplified usage listing of mp3 and wma compressions
- MP3s : Some comments on ripping [link corexion ]
- Splitter and my ears monitoring idea
- NAPA 315 my old MP3 Cd player - given to another now
- Bolong Radio HS902 an analog radio with excellent audio
- Degen DE 1103 radio and DE1102 comparative test
- Degen Two DE1102 radios tested together
- Mebook a new e-reader
5 sub-pages for my history with Malay music
about 10 reviews for earphones
several programs for mp3 conversion
several mp3 players
in blogspot
MEDIA publication offers : a good solution against piracy?
Oversimplified listing of the MP3 compressions (practical listing of best compressions abnd formats)
The reason not to use low MP3 compressions! btter use 128 as max
SINPFEMO an aritcle refered to 'optical' analysis against SINPO
sources of QRN the article refers to powerline QRN
Me the best man ( Daniel Danielidis) on middle and Natasa during the wedding !
June 13th 1998