Radio bibliography!
USE By rate :
5 of course greek !
4 english
3a malaysian (ed25)
3 french ( I can understand ) german
2 malay
1 bulgarian
My first written language was Japanese on my first years of age (abtt
3-4) by trying to decode the lyrics from Japanese songs . German was
my second language learned on 5 and 6th year of low school in Deutche
Schule . French was leaned as foreign lang on high school I learned a
bit of Chinese on 76-80 via the help of a Chinese student (also the how
to write) and then by myself by using some dictionaries. On 80 learned
English in the Marketing studies. Bulgarian lang for only 13 lessons on
mid 90s then stopped for various reasons .Early 90s with Malay myself
using dictionaries and language methods although never was involved in learning it,
-Italian -Spanish -Portugues -Dutch
-Swedish -Russ/Ukr -Romanian -Magyar
-Skopjan -Serbian -Albanian -Hmong(t)
-turkish -Arabic -Farsi/dari -Pasthun
-Hausa -Uigur -Tibetan -Hindi/Urdu -Tamil
-Finn -Bamar -Lao/Tai -Viet/Khmer
-CoreanN+S -Japanese -Amharic -Khmer(t)
-Kazakh -malay -jawa (t) -SUnda
- WRTH editions 98 99 2000 2002 2003 ( 2k as contributor)2009
- WRTH online 24, 25 . bad that older
- Passport 2003
- ILG database 2000 by personal printout
- Troubled waters (GVHorn -Kindle 22-23)
- Global Radio guide GV Horn ( summer 23 kindle )
- Secrets of successful DX ing by Gerry Dexter
- The 'complete' SWL handbook
- Proceedings 92-3(now free!!!)
- Passport /IBS tests on HF150/225 NRD535D
- Tropical B'cast list/ Domestic band survey by DSWCI 2 and 4(2002) computer print*
- TBL 93 Tropical bandliste by M Kopf
- EiBi freq listing - printed form in the mid of every season *
- HF spectrum study 2006 B Padula
- Uno dos quattro secret signals by Havana Moon
- Euronumbers mystery by Simon MAson
- Underground list by Don Schimmel
- Printed materials from the WUN web-page
- Ferrels guide #99 and 2005
- Klingenfuss :guide 94 Guide 99á 2006
- Shaay's embassy workbook
- RTTY listener by Universal (2 volumes)
- Klingenfuss :Air and meteo guide
- Klingenfuss :fax guide
- Klingenfuss :RTTY code
- Klingenfuss :RTTY codes audui cassete (mor recent downloaded a big list of audio samples from mor ethan 200 radio modems )
- Klingenfuss :radio data code 99
- KLingenfuss :Utility guide 5-6 2020
- KLingenfus Sw guide 5-6
- Technical Handbook for Radio Monitoring HF by Roland Proesh (19)
- Evans aero guide (SW ed)
- Guide to embassy comms
- Grove's SW directory worldwide aero commsá
- Utility QSL address guide part 2 á
- Monitoring the yugo conflict#1á
- language lab Indonesian- Gary dexter
- Clandestine Broadcasting - Mathias Kopf
- Secret signals Simon Mason
- SW receivers past and present 2003 UNiversal
- Spezial freqwenzliste - 2005
- LA DX by TIN
- WW aero comms
- QSl international radio database cenevalini
- Tales of a vagabond DXer (kindle)
- US army radio wave prop antennas etal (kindle )
- Following ghosts in N Peru (Kindle)
- radio wave propagation , ARRL (kindle)
- fast tack to understand propagation M Burnete (kindle)
- US army radio wave propagation
- Guerillas guide to sisal intelligence (kindle)
- Small antennas for small spaces ARRL (kindle)
- portable wire antennas ARRL (kindle)
- and a few propagation theory books in hard copy
HAM Oriented STUFF
- Radcom ed 5 and 7
- HF antennae for all locations
- Your guide to propagation ( by Ian Poole)
- Practical wire antennas John D Heyes
- Radio data Reference Handbook
- Guide 89 95 99 2013 (ebook)
- WIFR novice antenna
- Antenna Handbook
- Antenna Compendium #1
- Propagation Handbook
- Your RFI handbook
- Novice antenna Handbook
- Propagation handbook ( techá for broadcasters)
- 2 way handbook
- SSB the misunderstood mode
- Several FCC guide books.
- Newness: Radio Amateurs Handbook
- Radio Publications: Cubical Quad Antennas
- ORVE : R Amateurs C class guide [Greek]
- ORVE Q code abbreviations (1961) Greek
- Babani : simple tropical/MW band antennas
- Babani : simple Shortwaveá band antennas
- Banani : Loop antennas
- Carr's loop antennas
- about brainwash of media book -unhandy here
- the monitors guide to DXing
- Cornell's (t)propagation handbook
- lots of printouts from various free sites related to antenna radio etc design
and lots in pdf format
- SMATV CATV Handbook by Frank Baylin
- MLE World satellite Almanac 1988 and 1994-5
- Satellite Scrambling and descrambling
- Antenna Installation guide BAylin Publications
- Telecommunications Handbook
- CATV Handbook - Mc Graw Hill
Mags (samples bought issues and subscriptions )
Main subscriptions
CONTACT ( as contributor- Play DX (recently also member )á
Sample Issues
back issues of Pop Comm Monitorig times
73 SWL mag
NASWA DX Ontario
ACE Just Listening Dxnews
Busybody DXL Digest DATACOM
issues of ENIGMAá Dirgantara DX
RadioRama and too much other to list here ....
and separate binder collected from 24+ page clips from Pop comm
Snail mail subs:
CONTACT Play DX ( Jan 96)á WBN World broadcast news
Radio World : as a TV engineer ( Pieria TV )
SWNews Messenger ....
AWR's On Targetá
Via satellite Satellite communications
several QRL issues ( Greek magazine)
several Telecommunications issues (Greek magazine)
E-mail subs
Newer: Connection Digital Spooks (2005)
HardCore DX CRW
WDXC NASWA logbook
BCDX Jembatan
BCLnews Japan Premium
and :
Chasqui DX temporarily WUN news ( utes
DXW (from #14 till end ow indirect ) 4 winds( stopped)
swL$l (SW listeners - stopped) Cumbre ( contributor- stopped)
GADM GatFlash( stopped)á
Subscriptions as per 14
Hard core DX
Cumbre dx (off alter )
BCDX top
Glenn hauser's
SWDX Bulgaria(Ivo
Asian DX
and also mags -2020 and after
Radio user - pick issues only
Spectrum monitor pick issues only
Telesatelitte News a magazine subscription for more tan 20 years satellite TV affiliated.
printout methods:
Older email subscription have been after-printed with word perfect 8 . (2000)
MY new method is
via Fineprint ( and refrmatting on Word 8 ) 2003+
MY method after 2010 uses Word with thin font
e-printed then loaded into e-reader . BCDX is printed in paper uisng the 2/1 front rear method that is 4 pages per sheet. Times font 12-13 picas 0.9 line spacing and 1 cm borders on the A4 format (0.7cm final borders. ON 2012 used the talbet to read it time permitting
(again for cherry picking pages ) a few times i used the booklet option instad of the 2/1. this booklet option is better for reading text closer . Not much later the files were sent to a copy service for much cheaper cost. Still today the one page cost is 0.04Eu
i use 3 Word routines to make this printout at best . The older routine that included everything does not work after the recent Word updates on 2025 . The main routine shrinks the line spacing, and resizes the text with smaller gaps in the paper to include as much text as possible in the page Font s now Cambria 13. The second formats tabled text with mono spaced console font [courier /lucida ] . The third routine (manual) makes a German to English translation.
Sometimes i make 2:1 and Booklet PDF printouts using the Foxit PDF printer. (PDF creator) This program provides the 1/3 th size of Microsft's PDF creator/.
Finale note:
Several books from the Klingenfuss series are missing . More than 1000 books CDs and hardware material and more than 5000 xeroxed pages in three big bookshelves are in an isolated room that formerly was my tech room.
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