Wednesday, January 13, 2021

AN 200 AM loop antenna

Loop antennas  is one compact type of antennas that offers a high selectivity on a determined band .Practically – by design  a loop antenna for this purpose (medium waves ) is a  wire  wounded in  several turns  then connected with a  variable capacitor  .

I already have designed  several years ago antenna of this type  called Australian loop (two different links the first with  videos ) that is a 1 x 1 m antenna square  with 8 turns of wire spaced ca 1 cm  and connected  to a 1000 pF  variable capacitor  to form  a tuned   circuit  . This is made in a wooden base as it is shown in my above photo  . The loop is coupled with another turn of wire diagonally over the loop with  wire extension  to connect to the  radio receiver .

Let just do a little more insight  , two important factors concerning the loop antenna philosophy.

1.By design  they offer  very sharp nulls in one direction , having a directivity shape of 8 with two nulls parallel  to the axis of the diameter , That means  you can null out a radio station or even the local noise  by just turning them by 90 degrees ie laterally to the unwanted signal with the antennas diameter being in parallel to the unwanted signal.

2. Together with a  capacitor  the loop has a very narrow range of tuned frequencies. This can help the radio from overloading while this can strongly boost the selected tuned frequency range

It is one of my best antennas though quite seldom used due to its low portability . Consider this : every time i have to  do some remote radio listening   have to carry this big  antenna, its wooden base  that weighs  ca 10 kg, and the radio(s).

Another problem incured   with  the variable capacitors:the solders many times were broken or capacitors themselves  could be described as 'defunct'

Prior to this antenna  i have made on late 80s another very similar but cross shaped (diagonal instead of square ) with all wires being wound together over nails (ie not spaced)  with nearly similar results  to this  antenna . But due to it design the wooden rods were easily broken quite shortly.

And finally two years ago I have received  a nice advert  booklet  from a German seller  VTH de  with several radio models and accessories from mainly Tecsun /Degen .

My idea for the start was to add the active Degen  DE31LM antenna for MW and LW but i was not  sure  if my radios are compatible with it since all these radios  use their internal ferrite for tuning . I am unsure if the antenna  connection could disable the built in  ferrite rod .

On the leaflet  I found another antenna  model though passive Kaito AN 200  with the price of Eu45 together  with a frequency book. as for 2009 This antenna has normally  been designed  to work with the Tecsun S2000 world band radio (Grundig 750 in USA) also included in the leaflet  Very recently I did a survey for the availability of this antenna as well as several other products from this company  as for personal interest

And finally this antenna has been  bought but not from VTH  but from a local seller in Athens Greece with a price of 39 same with VTH .  I found him by googling   the antenna name . Although I insisted him to send by  standard mail (or even registered ) he sent to me by speed post that raised the cost  by 8 Euros. This was not notified in the shipment bill and costed me some delay n the post office . I was very fortunate that the postal officials are  'close friends' (i visit them  nearly every day) and helped me to take the pack immediately. Fortunately I was not further  notified for any additional costs

Here is a picture of the loop after it has been opened from its box:

The antenna is very simple enough: The loop is a plastic cylinder about 20 cm wide wounded with very thin wire   in a also plastic base of reverse  cylinder that  has a tuning knob in its one side

On the other side there is a mini jack socket, Walkman's , and a separate wire is provided to connect with open wires to a receiver (Tecsun S2000 is the main suggestion)

And here is a close up photo of the 'ribbon' antenna

While  testing for first time in house and having already some experience with the Australian loop , i put my De1102 under the radio . Listen to the video below on how the antenna  tunes.

Also  look to this video

With some more experiment , i found that once the radio's LCD display is directly under the loop it causes some noise 

(update )The antenna has been  tested with the HF150 LOWE  receiver and has been found to work in between 511 and 1870 kHz

Testing  with other radios, best reception point depends with the radio design and whee the ferrite loop is placed . As for example  the best reception with Degen 1102  comes  with the radio located inside the loop. Same is for the Chibo K300  . In contrast , the Bolong radio requires to be under the loop abt 1-2 cm out. And my Walkman Aiwa required  to be in parallel to the antenna's diameter   Here are  several photos :

with Kchibo K 330 :

and with Tecsun PL200 (found to be th most in-tolerated radio from all !! ) For this radio i found two quite mystrious things: 1 ) the raso needs to  be close to the antenna rather than  be inside the loop to have the stronger signal . 2) inside the room with nearly some internal noise , the radio (which has been modifeed ny the company afetr a claim of poor operation) and due to itrs very strong AGC on the higher MW band the loop ofered very little enhancement over the noise heard on the freq .

Using now the loop with its provided wire , I tested it with the R75  and my wife's hifi system. Both use external loop antenna to tune into the MW and LW bands . In the R75  the  signal was relatively low comparing to my 2x16 inverted V antenna as will be seen in the photo below The 16 m antenna  raised signals to S9+30 . But the stereo system  was somehow overloaded

while the standards antenna  of 16 inv V gives

And here is another surprise: for any radio tested - except for the HiFi system :Little radio tuneup requires antenna tuneup even very fine !  Yes , even a 9 kHz tune up requires a little fine tune in order to achieve the maximum  signal! And this is contrary  to what i found with my Australian loop  and the variable capacitors i have ever  tested (they have a lower Q).

Using it with the HF150 the lower band  part (530+ )  had sharper curves than the upper band part  (1700)

Her is my idea on how to tune the antenna and the radio: I first place the radio several inches far  from the antenna  then i tune the  antenna for the maximum signal and then i place the radio as close as possible.

Now some measurements  with this antenna  in my QTH  Thessaloniki on 1600LT  before there was any ionospheric propagation . Local noise from lamps , DSL lines and other causes interfere quite much the reception.

864 Horizont (Bu) fair
Horizont poor
1296 Christo Botev (Bu)
1350 Era Pyrgos (GR)poor
1458 Albania  CRI fair
1512 ERA Chania  fair to good
1602 ERA  KOzani of 1 form 200 km poor to fair

and since then signals with iono propagation :

873  UKR? 1654 poor
945 Galei Zahal ?  poor
963 BU : Zhumen and Horizont
999 (1658)Arab  poor (Morocco?)  and a russian (Moldova?)
774 1727 Arab good  (Egypt? )
855  1729 Romanian good  (Romania Actualitati )
531 1735 poor 

and here a short report in Litohoron in a clear environment from local noises

620 1548 Serbia? fair
684 1550 Beograd poor
963 Bulgaria fair
1404 ERA good
1080 ErA poor
Also heard : 530 540 as marginal

and to add  a few more incredible stations  heard local late  nights in Chalkidiki again from my blog in Multiply on Agugust 2011

540 Nigeria 2000/28.7 once again with news mention B Ajaz 2014  about Indonesia Ramadan and Muslims FAIR
540 R Nigeria Sokoto 2035 /26.7best with //to Athens line with OM taking in Hausa and many laughs . A sudden carrier in 2040
594 RTWKaduna ? 2057 ? /26.7 Nigeria with good signal mixed with a Russian and Arabic station
846  Russian station  with rock & roll songs mixed with Athens pirate R cannibal on 2054 /26.7
873 AFN 2100/4.8 "NPR News wire'  by YL then with news . Fair
891  NL radio 538 2041/27.7 with talks in NL , Poor on clear freq
1044  R Ethiopia  2045/25.7 with HoA songs with better signal than RIK At 2055  signal dropped to leave MDR  from Germany  in clear (temps heard on 2058 )
1088 RNA Angola? 2153/25.7 with very poor signal and music . ID 2156 "R N Angola"  then fade our
1179 ROM R Rom Actualitati 2118/31.7 Y with talks in Romanianby mrs Stoianescu  mixed with  nice pop  songs 45544
1197 Family  Radio Lesotho 2206/31.7  with religious program and talks in English Poor
1215 Absolute radio ??? 2155/28.7  talks in AmEng then a rock song
1251 Radio 5   2150/28.7  poor with talks
1269  SP COPE 2100/31.7  with ID then immediately with news 'Good '
1395 R Rosiie 2120/25.7 with news in Russian
1440 Nigeria Adamawa 2138/28.7 with  hilife songs m talks in Hausa , ID (?) mentioning  Adamawa 2x422
1567 TWR?  20203  X boy with hi life songs on 2025 OM 26.7 with talks in FR , start of  a  hilife song with immediate talks by OM in a African language fair signal . I suppose it can be R Benin with prg in Ibo that time

As a result this little antenna offers a big boost for very poor signals (quite  good during  the day) During the night with the overcrowded bands with the  very strong signals it is nearly unnecessary to use it unless you use it iin dead channels (very few in Europe ) or for separating 2 stations on the same frequency. This is also very good for zeroing out local noise! 

Rating :5/5

Another great review can be found here:

 and a  photo

 and 3 videos


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