Wednesday, January 13, 2021

MY gear (alternating )


This was my equipment !  (before 20)

Thessaloniki  (vintage photo and info )


THis system was used older times before marrying in my parent house ie before 1998 Now all of them are out of order  :

  • Tescun PL550 used by parents (left since then ) 
  • Tivdio 115  unusable as radio good as mp3 player sent to parents 
  • Philips D2935( sc 86) digital radio un-used in another place ()
  •  home brewn ATU see more on Retsiki
  • Lowe HF150 ( my top!) digital communications RX
  • Sony ICF 7600D( sc 83) digital radio dead
  • Silver RT430  radio casette recorder> Was dead on mid95.
  • Aiwa HF150 Walkman Dead afte 2003
  • HItachi6300W (sc 92) radio cassette recorder
  • Spectrum (now out of order)/TIF/SIA for RTTY JEP fax    
  • PL330  the nomad radio 
  • Antennas (new since 2020):
  • a few wires used till 2000 over the terrace removed and and replaced with :  
  • 11 m horizontal #14 stranded wire on the apartment balcony made in 2020 There is also  a 6 m twin wire  cable vertical hung on TV mast This cable is used  for connecting electrical appliances. 
  • 15 m horizontal  #14 over the roof terrace  Both antennas are also connected into a set of terminals /balun and connect into the RSP Airspy or the PL models for shortwave reception 
  • Youloops original and clone used only ...on demand! plus a 2x2 m cable additions later mostly used with Airspy. That is total : 4  cables 60 cm , and one of 2 LR and 6 m thin cable. Also in the design  of 2x1.5m  local produced cheap RG6 TV cable and 8 m standby  RG58  case the SMA plugs are OK for being soldered into these cables
    This means antennas assembled the time i visit my parents  - short time only-  then again disassembled for the next usage a few weeks later



 photo of 2003

PIcture: At left  shown Yupi7100 + walkman (over WRTH 2k)
At mid : R75 ,MFJ ATU and MFJ reader
At right 752c,1025, HF150 and journalistic tape recorder

On the  shown :
Bottom : printed net material from various SW sources
MId: Books on utiluity plus WRTH

At the left part of :
Bottom Line of all the PlayDX  since 96, antenna material from net plus net SWB
MId: other printed material for SW

THsi photo has been shot before  2003 >Many  changes have been made since then in the room and the eqiupment. 


Radios comms and non  All of them and much more are reviewed in this site!

  • Here are the additions of gear until 19  after the original posting 
  • ICOMR75 radio communications receiver as the  main receiver since 2002?Usedd only where   Im visiting Thesaloniki 
  • Degen 1103 my second radio  refurbished by a radio amateur very long unused with inclder problems  
  • Tecsun PL380 as main pocket radio Sold to someone and repalced with a PL330
  • RSP1a SDR unit used with mini PC (mid 2019) with SDR Console , SDR Uno and SDR Sharp 1306 
  • Airspy HF+ Discovery for spying the bands!
  • RTL SDR also for the same mini PC with SDR ShArp 17xx
  • PL330  the nomad radio

  • and here he passby radios are refererd: (checked then given )
  • Degen 1102 x3 pieces , imported for my relatives
  • Tecsun PL880 high grade HF communications DSP radio , sold  
  • Tecsun PL360  remote control shaped radio  with external matchstick given 
  • XHdata 808 tested and sold
  • Sony  ICF7600 D  since 83 which is now (19) totaly dead since 2008? .


This is a palace with limited time of living as we moved into  Litohoron - ear Mt Olymp . MY inlawes are living in the top floor


  • homebrewn ATU with two caps and a homebrewn coil with traps offering more than 15db of signal gain due to its high Q   redesigned on 2012 by a ham radio for worse it is not used anymore 
  • MFJ 1025 'signal enhancer antenna noise canceller' ie antenna phaser  for removing local QRN*. Used also for keeping the PC monitor
  • MFJ 462B RTTY decoder instead of Spectrum  used sparingly
  • Q3 tecsun mini radio mp3 player /recoder


  • These antennas are added gear  till 2019
  • 2x16 m inverted dipole with AWG#12 wire on a TV antenna mast. the one wire was  more recently cut by birds into its half Plastic cover is also very much hardened. 
  • 16  m slightly sloped horizontal wire AWG#12  with arond 6 m extension to the house . It has some problem in its braid and seems working as only 4 m    removed later
  • 8 m wire#14  in the opposite part  of the building This has been replaced with a delta of 3x9

  • This gear is used a bit lesser (on demand ): 
  • AN200 Tecsun antenna for MW 
  • Loop antenna for SW designed by the same ham radio man. Long unused  requires change of the Fresnel loop as its top middle coax wire was cut
  • Basketenna  a  homebrewn antenna in a vegetable basket! [Semi vintage used also as doc drawer]  MId 11?
  • Austalian loop vintage wooden make by  a friend (woodprocessor /furniture maker )  Early 2000 vu too havy to ve moved (base is more than 15 kg  the antenna sceleton around 3-4 )
  • various lengths of wires for other usages. 

LITOHORO - Mt olymp

  • Antenna is installed over the shelter and is mostly hidden except for the other end that is iconencts into a ramp .length of 26 m plus around 10 m with branch connection on the 1st  floor
  • equipment : the nomad PL330 plus a mp3 player with AKG 81DJ Also the Q3 recorder
  • the usage of kiwi SDRs via the smartphone or the laptop

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