Wednesday, January 13, 2021

News statiosn in THessaloniki


Interesting talk  stations in Thessaloniki

including some stream


As with every city, there are  talk radio stations with mostly  news and information related  to the city  , to the community and the country , the same happens with m Thesaloniki  having many interesting radios stations .
Here i will  describe  my most interesting  radio stations. NOtice that the article has been  writen last December. 


 Focus FM


Focus FM . This started March 2014 located nearby the harbor of  main Thessaloniki , taking the frequency of  Studio  3 , an old pal of me who aired mostly  traditional songs.  The main persons of the new station come from ERA  mainly Venieris , Triantafilidis and Velopoulos who were commenters of  ERA Thesaloniki the  older times . The second person is now entering the  politics with Syriza (the left wing party )  while Velopoulos  was for many years  member of the parliament  of the right wing party New Democracy who then  changed into another smaller right wind party and then left the politics for the sake of selling international  politics  oriented  books  including many of his writings  .

The station is a very fast growing , which now has a share  of 2.8% , ie is in the top 10 stations of the city in just 9 months.
Their program  consists  except of  politics and commentaries  , with a very rich  news headlines  bulletin every  top of  hour , even on early hours on nights,a sports program  musical programs esp in afternoons and nights  a vintage musical program with highlights of 80s  passing  midnight , a program related  to home economics  (salaries and wages) ,  a  program for cars and motorbikes and a program with lots of funny things etc and greek music program after 0100 to 0600      . Top  station of my father and me too .

They were also connected  to the TIF (the international  fair) with   pavilion  on the main fair and "star word" (the fair for the  children before the year change )  with live program from the fair
There is a diverse  advertising aired , These are the sponsors of the program producers. There are diverse super market chains.
Surely  an excellent station  9/10




934 Sto kokino (in the Red )

This station is the localized  program of the Red  from Athens 105.5 and started from November 13 after the station pRockA (he heavy  metal music station )given or sold the frequency  to them . A station of a cultural program connected  to the nespaper Avgi , which is also related  to older called  KKE Esoteriko (Inner Communist Party ) on early 80s as far as i can remember, which now is  part of  Syriza , the main opposition party until Feb 12 and now governing party  . I have heard  a hourly  news bulletin on 0600 LT with a second on 1400 or 1500 with  short bulletins  every  hour till 2200 and news headlines  every  half hour  politics  programs , sports programs and sometimes relays from  ERA  . There are also  alternative  music programs and music or story programs sponsored by  book publishers . A  previous times person who had cooking program in the TV  is now having his time  slot here  with a mix of cooking and travel program . All of their adverts  are culture related with theatre plays in Athens , books  etc


Ertopen 103.3 and via the net


You surely know ertopen so there is not so much reason to talk about them. Therefore i will stress only on the technical info of their transmission facilities  in Thessaloniki . They air in Thessaloniki  on 103.3 Mhz but also via their digital  TV transmissions on ch 35  (ET3 and ertopen  programs ), which is for Thessaloniki only , using low powers so that they can not reach Litohoro or even my home in Retziki ! (it can be heard only occasionally )
Their transmission power  on 103.3 is rather low covering only 1 km of distance inside the city and i suspect that they transmit from their program  production facilities in Angelaki street in which  their signal is in its peak.
Notice  that their 'envy'  Nerit   has their program facilities in Angelaki in the same street on the start of the road , just 500 meters far !
Their political point is mostly rather  left wing  though  their envy Nerit  is  supposed to be mostly right wing 
I mostly hear and watch  them  via internet.

The above  three  stations are my most favourite
add: NOt on 2020 for the first two but onl for ERT who retrned back to the main freq


Status FM is a separation of its predecesor Focus FM with part of the original team assuming this station lead by a way by Venieris leaving the oterh to his brother (Nnne helped me fo this info just asusmptions ) making this station be in the middle line while Focus keeping a mere ultras right wind position. Progam is nearly the same as with Focus





Real FM  107.1

Real FM is the localized  program of the station from Athens . the  owner of the station is  NIkos Hadji-nikolaou well  known news persona from  the  90s who now edits and publishes  newspapers (Real   a political  related and Agora a market  related  ) several news sites ( including streaming political discussions   ) and programs in TV (ston eniko aired every Monday in Star TV in the season of 14-15  very late nights ie after 2330  LT)
The stations program is fulfilled with   talk and politics program more than eny other  station in Greece . Even for the late nights  there is a  speaker with political phone ins.
IN their  program schedule , there is a well known  news-persona with rather ironic way of  commenting called Tragas in stations morning program . There is also  a satirical  program at  noons , though their satire is quite bad to me;Also Hajinikolaou has a  two hour  program every work day > last year also a well known member of the parliament    , also a  previously journalist had a left wing political  commentary  program  for  two hours.
There were two  zones with local program
Many of their  programs   can be accessed later via their web page at
I rarely  listen to them this time though their program seems  quit interesting for the sake of the above listed stations. It was  my older favorite


FM 100

This is the channel 1  of the municipality of Thesaloniki . The second channel is   the 100.6 . On older times there was  also a third program on 101  with foreign music with  1006 airing mostly classic and alternative music  until the citizens  changed the mayor abt  5 years ago if i am not wrong .  
Now 1006 is called  as the "voice of the citizens"   and Fm 100  keeps  the freq as ID.
FM 100  keeps a  talk radio on its morning program with "Navsika 's  island" airing each work day on 08-11  with lots of interesting  news of  the city . The news  programs  aired  each top of hour contain two  different newsletters  aired every different  hours the one is for local news including  events atc and the other is for general news  including politics and next hour with local news and so on.
I found a very interesting  program on 1600 on work days  called  'ta leme'  ie lets talk mostly with health related  themes . every workday , the speaker invites a specialist and discuss  health related topics , as far  as i have hard their program
The older times  FM100  aired only  greek music. After the  new mayor ,the program changed radically and all kinds of music  are now aired in this frequency



Alpha 96.5 former Palmos 

As with most stations  from Athens , the same happens with it . The station  on older times  called Sky  then  changed to Palmos and now is part of the Alpha network since about  6 months .The station as well with the others   has its local productions and on the remain times  the relay the program from Athens . Sparingly  heard  , I can only stress on their 'evolution'  to trasmit online by  video  the program they  air from radio! This is the idea i  knew the older satellite  times when RTL  did the same several years ago. As far as i know  Alpha  Athens was  part of the RTL network , but i m not 100% sure if RTL left the Greek  company .


Radio Thessaloniki  94.5

A station that  I am not interested anymore , though is termed per audience  Nr1 in Thesaloniki . One of the most important reasons is that their program is manly adverts then program.  More than 25 minutes per hour of prorgraming is adverts and annoys me very much. together with Focus FM  their  talk is party-like (ie talking between friends ) and sas i  see they followed the  idea of Focus people with a program related  to work and salary  oriented counseling topics and are aso heavily  talk oriented . Most of their music  is Greek  while Focus  has its producer's  music interest.
The station has started  from the beginning  of the free  radio  in Greece on 80s , though  the main producer of it was active on 70s  ie the time  FM was only for radio  amateurs !


 City International


This  station is not 100 %  talk radio  as most of its program  consists of music .  The station  started on 80s during the start of the free commercial radio . The special of it is their airing of VOA Greek every half of the hour and a lengthy news bulletin on afternoons and some religious  programs one of them  produced from TWR (in greek )There are also  mini nes bulletins (5 minutes )fro VoA in English.
The former in head person  was known  to me from the  embassy of USA in Thessaloniki on 80s  before he started the station.


Vima FM 92.2 Ath   via  Katerini  

This station is not clearly heard  in Thesaloniki as it is aired  from their cooped Katerini program facilities . Vima  is also located from Athens and comes from a newspaper publisher , which is also member of the Digea network with shares in the Mega TV  station. There is a news headlines  every  top of hour with bulletin on 1400 LT .and a funny program on 1500 which are the most interesting  to listen . The station can be heard  quite well in my house in the top of the mountain with strong  signal .Otherwise i can  lsten to them via the net
One of their older funny mottos  was  ' you never know what you listen  here'
The local program of 92.2 from Katrerini is against the right wing  government's policies  


Skai  92.6  Ath via  Katerini 

The station can be heard only in Litohoron as in Thesaloniki  another station can be heard  with Greek folk playist. This is a relay from  Athens but  in THS in can listen to them  only via the net . It is  part of  the Skai network  a right wing network  that  started in 90s as   a news TV  station but nowadays is a general  program TV I seldom hear this station


And last to mention


88, 90  , 92,  93.8 ,958 , 102  ie the national  radio network .
This is one  of the stations i dont listen so i cant make any comments on it

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