Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Xmission storiof R Cairo on 1/2/2022

It was really a very fascinating day on 1/2 when Cairo was the most time transmitting on shortwaves. Together with that i had part of their complete listing of their transmission schedule for checking

Cairo at 1520 was with open carrier but nearly before the 1530 with music then BoH (exact +30) pips hymn then talks A sper list the program was in Albanian Signal 43/10 in my PL330 with 10+3 m external antenna wire Nothing on 1715 on both radio and local SDR  Their frequency is 9440 with programs in Albanian and Turkish respectively I was using only my PL330 radio that time listening the station. 

Audio in QAM mode  is here  
Also this also on QAM can show on how distorted audio ca be heard
Its  beter to hear that with headphones! 

this is screenshot from the transmission on 3/2 as noticed below this is th silent transmiter

The next program is in 1800-1900 with program in Italian  Here is part of the screenshot with their waterfall on 1842 .Please click on the picture to see the  picture in full in a new tab. it ea slao interesting that even with this string disortion

This is the centered signal in the waterfall . As you can see   the tace is totay different die to these main features:
-distorted signal ,,seemingly overmodulated
-FM ish like, but not  exactly signal Changing the decoder to NFM there is nearly nothing heard except a very poor hum  

It is also worth to show that this signal can also cause wide band splatter It is shown wit the quite wide lines in the spectrum. the  range can be more than +/-50 kHz as per the photo

Here is the full picture that shows all my necessary receiving information. waterfall plus signal hitory or better to call  fading graphic The signal has quite deep fading that is of the 30+db  for 10 minutes of tracing. i can suppose this is some propagation effects than fading . Standard multi path can be shown in very sort timed intervals of around 1-10 seconds from my practical experience 
From my log : 

9900 Cairo again 1839  in Italian quite distorted but quite comprehensible if headphones are used. I ALWAYS listen with ear- or headphones. Using a BLON03 for tthat time  if you know that.   55/20 in my PL330 and -57dbm in the nearby SDR

In less than 30 seconds before 1900 they seem to switch off and QSY  to 9510 for the next transmission that follows exactly to their schedule with program in German. you can see that in the  left side of the window above

There is another carrier on 9510 with program in Russian om the same time  with buzz and low modulation  with 52/24in the PL330 It is heard much better than the other frequency after you pump up the volume . System marked as under the thick line above   

At 2000 Cairo changed to 9885 with program in French and the
buzzing carrier with rather no audio up to S9+20 -57 dbm 




9900 at 2115 carrier with poor mod and disturbed, supposed in Portuguese  per listing. Poor in Hungary is good on Carlow Eire as checked - didn't make any screenshot 

After 2150  Cairo left the frequency with no more transmissions as checked in the band leaving only echoed CNR in the frequency  ,that is a double  CNR jammer against RFA 


ON 2.2 Cairo was active  till 1905 using the low modulated transmitter on 9900.

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