Less than one month after I have received the clone and left tit for the bet time to test it.
First notice about my other experiments with a home-made and the original received from the rtl-sdr-blog in this link https://zachs-radiopage.blogspot.com/search/label/youloop
A short notice: I asked the seller to include two more sets of boxes but his messages shown rather unwilling to help me by no replying the cost and possible additional shipping . I then immediately made the order after 4 days of waiting After receiving the parcel in 15 days i kept it in a dedicated box for the Original antenna and left them for a later check. Finally this check has been made on the end of may!
Just a comparison between the boxes As you can see the black boxes are quite bigger than the originals but i also suspect that they are more stiffer and resistant in case other cables will be used. My idea is to replace all cables with TV and use longer reception cable to receive better the lower frequencies Even the sockets are a bit longer than the other's!
The tow antennas waiting for the test . as with the previous test . i preferred to keep them handing into a suitcase hanger. The clone's cable is possibly the same but it has a bad winding tat kept it quite irregular.The clone antenna used a 6 m cable tested a few times for the report here but later it was left back to the common box
MY first time i used them together hung into the door so i could test them with nearly no external signal. Instead of checking with their cables separately I preferred toi use the original's cable for testing I already posted two videos in YouTube :
https://youtu.be/euplMxob8Xo is the video testing reception on GCN
https://youtu.be/eAbVYf29eCo a video with step increasing and decreasing the frequency of SDRC in order to do comparison with the local noise.
For unknown reason SDRC video recording stopped abruptly after 2-3 mouse rotations. Debut - paid option- was the only solution to grab video. It required nearly half minute to stabilize the PC system after opened. Sometimes the CPU gets hot because of it.
This is the next step of reception , ie outdoors. notice that used a steady hanger in the copy loop because most of these hangers we occupied by many suitcases.
Notice : the tests after in this page were used with both antennas being in parallel based on the clone antenna's orientation. The genuine antenna in the rear was turned to null the local noise in medium waves
The Aispy HF+D was the only appropriate SDR to handle these antennas . As far as ai tested with the RSP signals were very low if not [un]measurable
The table below shows the screenshots in thumbnails from both the antennas tested with Airspy HF+Discovery and its standard 2m cable , Please click to watch a full picture. You may then navigate inside the photo album by pressing left or right arrows for making the comparative test. In most pictures the bottom parts of the waterfall show the signal difference of the previous by time antenna setup. Just compare the Z times referred in the left bottom.
for me the clone shows better resonance on the higher frequencies
1368 |
5000 |
5935 faulty pics |
12080 |
13830 |
14000 |
15400 |
17570 |
12800 |
145000 |
5000 |
It is also interesting to see on what the RSP1a shown using the spectrum analyzer for both the antennas . I was using again the 2 m cable.
Here is the typical signal analysis in both antennas inside the HF with RSP1a and the spectrum analyzer band.Quite dead isn't it?
New additions :
I Once again used both of them outdoors 2+ hours befire the rain in a middle clouded evening
The difference of reception between RSP1a and Airspy HF D
Question : Which is the RSP1a from the above photos?
The above screenshot shows reception with only the 6 m cable without connecting to any antenna. Leakage ?
This is a screenshot on the time i was trying to lessen the local noise level by turning the YouLoop antenna (on the top of the waterfall ) with the use of the 6 m cable The bottom shows the other antenna
FYI this was the proper antenna null position in the above frequency range. The most funny is that reducing part of the lower visible spectrum increased the lower frequencies!
The above two screenshots show reception with the 6 m cable in the left photo while the photo inthe right is wit the 2 m There is some increase of the bottom noise...
this is the same sentence of photos 6 m 2 m for that part of frequencies . I can think that the 6 m cable operates as its own antenna !
Finally this above phoo shows on how well any f this antenna kind can null the local noise .More than 25 db lower !
Here is the reply from RTL SDR seller after advising him that the antenna may be defunct after someone advised in a Facebook group :
I use a homemade youloop with my RSP1A and it works quite well. It reduces noise around 20db and allows me to copy signals I couldn’t hear before.
ReplyDeleteIn another page in this blog, my home made loop had unsatisfactory results. RSP1a is not so sensitive as the Airspy using any Youloop Just follow the "youloop' tag for more