proposal below is an enhancement of PL660 with most important
specifications of various DSP models from Degen and Tecsun and a bit of
Lowe HF150 . This idea is surely a hypothetical model that could be
feasible in case Silicon labs could enhance their SI 7434IC chip with
better SSB
[(<360 ) spec derived from 360]
- Very high sensitivity , if possible with high dynamic range as Lowe HF150
- Very low self noise (<380)
- Freqs : LW , 520-17xx for MW , 2-23 for SW , 6x-110+ MHz for Fm (full Fm band plus 2-3 mHz for out-banders ) and possibly working AIR band (PL600 didn't work )
- Modes : AM LSB USB {ISB/DSB} FM DRM???
Filters : several for AM /SSB including 2.7 and 6 (proposed 1
/2/3/4/6/9/12?/15? for AM and half for SSB ) kHz with full audio
fidelity (<1103) ,
- Filters : two for FM auto narrow and auto medium (as all DSP models)
- FM mono and stereo
- FM step 5 or 10 kHz (<360, x00))
- AM synchro (<660)
- Smooth soft mute as in PL380 or DE17 /XH D808
- AM step to .25 kHz SSB step low to 0.01 Hz (closer to HF150 or R75)
- Built in 4 or 8 GB memory (<1126) a/o include SD card slot for recording
- Ability to record from radio , using true MP3 recording on 24/40 (AM)and 96/128kbps (FM) (<Creative Zen /Q3)
- [MP3 WMA and pres. OGG support (<1126) ]*
- [True shuffle operation (as most mp3 players )] *
- Analog volume control (<360)
- PL 360/380 audio fidelity for earphones
- Field meter as 360,380,880 (dbu S and db S/N ) if possible with true strength meter
- Numerical keypad
- [antenna tuner or external preselector ] (<600)
- External grounded antenna input for SW/FM , and possibly for MW
- Standard AA battery compartment with >250 mA charger USB type
- noise blanker
- a n l
Ideas subpart 1
- Includes DRM
- Ability to decode RDS
Ideas subpart 2: (lite version dimensions as 1126/1127 )
- No SSB
- Very high sensitivity , very low noise
- Steps of .5 kHz for AM , 10 kHz for FM
- Higher audio outputs than 1126 with more steps
- Automatic volume gain in soft mute signals (as with DE17)
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