C SDR advantages over standard receivers:
This is a short abstract of all features
used by PC-SDRs as far as i can collect by time .
General advantages:
-DC to light reception with just one small
SDR (SDRUno + family ,Hack RF etc)
-active spectrum from 125 kZH to 50MHZ
-show spectrum and waterfall with ability
to closeup . Signal analysis godo fir finding intruders etc
-adjust spectrum minima and maxima ranges on amplitude
and waterfall speed , auto option included
individually the sidebands according to the received content via the mouse
even for FM.
-much better and sharper audio than the
typical Dx receivers (6 khz is a minimal standard that is close to HiFi quality )
-Automatic frequency locks with SAM and D/SSB
-infinite memories . memory banks and ability to import eibi aoki databases
-scan the band or memories (SDRuno) and record only the
transmitted content by removing the squelched
data (SDRconsole v3.14)
-Multiple digital signal nose reduction formats
for denoising on all stages pus adjustable NB
-diversity reception with ability to use
ISB and/or antenna phasing for nulling out unwanted local noise or QRMer (RSPDuo and 2 )
Digital decoders
-DSD /RDS /TETRA /TRUNK decoders
-DRM listening (by piping to external
software or by using SoDiRa)
-DAB+ listening (with external programs or
-BY using TMate hardware feel the feel of a
typical traditional receiver
Some more general uses (not all legal!)
-Receiving GPS signals and decoding them.
-Scanning for cordless phones and baby
-Remote Telemetry Radio Receiver
-Inmarsat decoding
-Radio astronomy
-Monitoring meteor scatter.
-Decoding aircraft ACARS short messages.
-Receiving wireless temperature sensors and
wireless power meter sensors
-Receiving trunking operators
Technician pro usage :
-antenna testing (spectran-alysis )
-easier antenna installation even for sat
More serious or pro HF usages :
-simultaneous usage with multi VRXs
(virtual receives ) form 2 up to 24?
Good for info gathering esp for digital modes.
audio recording
recording and IQ analysis for uncommon and occasional signals inside the
operating band
-program these recordings (audio / IF/ full
band stream)?
-extract signal levels for further analysis
and statistics using CSV method for schedules, propagation , signal analysis
and other related reasons. (Uno- Console)
-Extract sonograms ( q3D view of spectrum
vs time and amplitude) as photos and do statistical results of them (Console )
-collect amateur CW content via CW skimmer
for further reading (Cnsole )
-Analyze signals and measure them (SoDiRa)
-DCF 77 (77.8kHz) and RF sensor analysis
Pro level work:
-analyze digital signals with the help of
external programs
-mix that with up to 24 instances for the
highest level of information
-DX clustering -network of computers, each
running a software package dedicated to gathering, and disseminating,
information on amateur radio DX (long-distance contact) activities.
-remote listening with other SDRs. (SDR Console and networked programs )
And : (Kiwi SDR operations)
-listen to
very DX signals via remote servers that are closer to the station
-real time signal strength analysis (CSV signal history )
-Direction finding via triangulation (TDoA)
-Wefax decoding
-Decode RTTY and NAVTEX signals the easy way.
-Interconnect for propagation analysis via
-IQ signal analysis ....
and many more because as time passes Kiwi's are continuously updated.
And more important: sending immediately [reception] reports !(with audio and /or technical analysis as extracted from the program used )
More to come..
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