QSLs page
NEW QSLS Spaceman R Elwa( and FAna /Malawi ,TWR/Swaziland)
ABKHAZIA QSl from V oAbkhazia . in 117 days after mt letter with the response from v/s Yury Kutarbon . It was a registered with personal letter and QSL in a picture of Panorama , New Afon
QSL was writen : R/S R of Abkhazia confirms that YOU have heard our programmes in July 1996 since 1134 am to 1220 pm UTC with frq 9495 kHz in doapason 31 m transmitters power is 5 kW Adress of the station : v/s Yury Kutarba Dep of Gen dir Abkhaz state TV RAdio Co Sukhum Abkahzia 34 Aidgylara Phone 24867, 25321 fax 21144
ALBANIA R TIrana 6100 (prg in albanian ) in 35 days with computer printout of their program in english! They weer also encloing a very small nonsticker of their station QTH Rruga Ismail Qemali 11 Tirana
AUSTRIA ORF - R Osterrech Intl 6155 by ltr in 17 days QTH A1136 Wien Wurzbirggasse 30 Fax 431 878784404 email info@rai.ping.at
BELGIUM BRT 5910 in 66 days w f/d card and folder POB 26 B1000 Bruxelles Belgie
BULGARIA R Bulgaria with still R Sofia QSLs 5860 in GR in 30 days QTH 4 Dragan Tzankov Sofia Fax 359 2 650560
BULGARIA Programma Horizont 7670 in 117 days via R Sofia
CHECHOSLOVAKIA Rep Chech Rozhlas (R Prague) q QSL card for 12.1.96 /7345 plus pamphlet of external xmissions and eng prog sked. Receoved 6.2. QTH 4 Vionohradska 12 12099 Praha 2
FRANCE QSL card and infosheet for 15615 QTH ---
GERMANY : AWR - Europe 7230 in 30 days w f/d card Heidelberger landstr 24 64297 Darmstat
GERMANY Deutche Welle 9690 ltr 90 days for IND transmission
GERMANY R Bremen by card only in 13 days for 0914 /6190 . QTH Burgemaeister Spitta Alee 45 28349 Bremen
in 130 days 15290 RR for an
english rept QTH ????
GERMANY SWF 7265 posted card in 23 days QSL Hausbredstr 76530 Baden Baden
in abt 30 days ( 93) infobook
QTH " Rundfunkplaza 60300 Munchen
GERMANY TWR after 85 days set from MOnaco . I sent the letter to Germany Sked , f/d QSL
GERMANY Deutschlandsradio in 25 days with a huge enveloppe.full of brochures of the station . program lists ,etc QRG : 6005 kHz Special thanks have been sent to tyhem via email
Rikisutvarpid in less than 12 days with QSL card for
NEW 7735
ITALY RAI 6060 in 75 days w typed posted card QTH Cas Post 320 Centre Corespondence 0100 Roma
MALTA V of Metditeranean in 15 days for their trst Xtions via the Russian relay on 9765 /1206 0 Box 82 Valeta Malta Fax 356 244061
NERTHERLANDS R Neth 11655 in 46days (Indon) w f/d card ,4965 in 40 days (indon dpt) + Newsletter
NORWAY : R Norway in 25 days for 7485 QTH N 0340 Oslo
NORWAY R N I for 9985 QSL card #19 . Included sticker , prg sked and freq changes for Feb 97
POLAND R Poland in 11810 in 60 days v/s Rafal Kiopuszewski POB 46 Poland
PORTUGAL 9780 RDP in 315 days w printed QSL and prg QTH Rua de S Marcal 1-B 1-200 Lisboa Portugal Fax 3474475
PORTUGAL R Renascenca 9680 in 47 days w typed data in prd QSL Card only . in EE and PP QTH rua Capelo 5 1294 Lisboa
ROMANIA RRI 11940 f/d card in 160 daysstr gen Bewrtelhot POB 111 70749 Bukuresti
RUSSI AVoice of Russia 4740 / English in 120 days corr: Eugenia Steavnova Fax 7 0952302828
SLOVAKIA Slovak R varius posted f/d cards in 36 days POB 81290 Bratislava Slovakia
SPAIN RNE : 738 in 28days no IRC QTH casa del Radio Prado del Ray 78023 MAdrid
SPAIN REE 9875 in 100 days w sticker info on QSL card stamped . QTH App 156-202 18080 Madrid
SWEDEN Radio Sweden with QSL in 13 days.Brochure and english sed included Their adress is http://www.sr.se/rs
SWISS R Intl 9535 QSL card in 47 days, 9525 in 31 days Ciaconetistty 1 Post CH 300 Berne 15
UK Sunrise R in 15 days v/s Paul DAvis , iw p/l no QRG or time refered ( 1458/2230) with a car sticker QTH Sunrise R , Sunrise Hse Sunrise RD Southall Mddx UB2 4AU Tel 01815746666 and fax 01818139800
UK High Adventure Ministries in
21 days with QSL and a 'uy a book ' leaflet POB 109 heerford HR4 9XR UK
UKRAINE R Ukraine 4925 in 70 days (94) . 3 later reps unanswered
VATICAN Vatican R 9630 in 39 days , 4005 in 27 days posted QSL .
ARMENIA V of Armenia v/s Levon Ananikian in 120 days after f/up He did not however received the 1 st letter (?) of April . Personal letter comenting that very rarely they receove letters from Greece
ISRAEL Kol Isreal (
QSL ) for a ltr in 90 - no times
LEBANON V of Hope 9960 QSL cArd in 40 days prg in AA v/s Paul Johnson H Adventure Ministries Box 7 Melulla Israel
OMAN --- R Sultanate Oman in 120 days w printed leflet v/s Rashid Harorn Aljab ( ot clear sign ) QTH R Sultanate Oman Ministry of Info POB 600 Muscat Oman tel 603888 , 601538
PAKISTAN many QSLs by ltr or card in abt 60 -90 days v/s Syed Abrar Hussain Pakistan Brd Co , Heads Broadcastig Hse , Constitution Ave Islamabad Fax 811861
QUWAIT R Kuwait w fully informartive folded QSL in 7 nmonhs QTH Engineerong Comms Dpt , Frequency Mgt POB 397 safat 13004 Fax 065 2415498
SYRIA Syrian Arab Rep Bc serv in ?? days 12085/15095 Omayed 59 Damaskus
TURKEY : V oT 9675 w handwrited card in 33 days w prgPOB 33 06443 Ankara
TURKEY Cinarli Anadolu 7102 in 1 month by ltr and photo for a taped rept v/s G¡ksel Uysal QTH Cinarli Anadolu Technik ve Endustri Meslek Lisesi Deneme Radiosu , 35110 Cinarli Izmir
TURKEY Polis R 6900 preprinted QSL card for a ltr with tae v/s Fatih umutlu POB 401 Ankara
TURKEY turkish Meteo Service 6900 in 15 days w ltr for a ltr with tape v/s Mahmet "rmeci QTH devlet Meteorologi Isleri Genel M?d?rl?g? PK 401 Ankara Turkey
UAE radio Abu Dhabi : QSL in 63 days v/s Abdul Wahab Al Radwan QTH Monistry of Info and Culture , dept of Broadcasting POB 63 AbuDhabi
UZBEKISTAN R Tashkent 17745 in 80days w f/d card. Khremskaya 49 70047 Toskeny Newf for 15295 in 90-days w f/d QSl and sked fgor sopme stamps
AUSTRALIA 9680 in 74 days w p/l GPO B 755 Glen Waverly 3150 Victoria Australia . New on 27 days v/s Arie Schelaars Another QSL received at 4.3.97 : R Australia report of 28.7.96 in 6090 Darwin Xter , nice QSL , program sked and almanac
CHINA China National Radio in 90 days for Xtions 9380 and 7620 (taiwan #2)
CHINA China Radio Intl; in 150 days for Xtion in 4883 in RR reply from the english serice
CHINA Gangsu PBS ( histirical QSLs ) w QSL cards iwrieten in CC
HONG KONG AWR Asia also in 30 days 9495 CH programming
GUAM 7455 AWR Asia in 90 days f/d QSL & prg info POB 7500 Agat Guam 96928 USA
CHINA Xinjiang PBS (
QSLs ) variuos years w ltr in
english (w frequencies ) , cards in Chinese for letters in chinese (abt
6 cards
GUAM KTWR 9815 ( indonesian ) in 45 days w QSL plus personal letter mni calendar for 1996 and thier sked . V/S Kathy Gregowsle no IRC QTH Pob CC Guam 96910 Agana
INDIA AIR Shimla w p/l in 60days v/s Sood Asst Stat Engr AIR Shimla QTH 171004 Himachal Pradesh
INDONESIA RRI Ujung pandang 4753 in 35 days with a 9 pin printer printout and card for a registererd express letter in indionesian and 2 IRCS and tape ! . v/s Bambang PudjonoQTH Jalan Riburane No3 tel 0411 316466
INDONESIA RRI Jakarta Prg Nasional 9680 afer 3 f/ups in malay & english w updates aevery 3-4 months for 1 IRC card of city , per ltr v/s Hamsul Muin Harahap Merdeka barat 4-5 POB 356 Jakarta Tel 366811
RRI Jambi in 29 days with ppc(used) tapeC-60 and IRC !- REGISTERED my ltr 2was 18/8 receieved there 2/9 received here 17/9 v/s BUchari Mohd adress Jln Jtr A tani 5 Telainapouri 36122 tel 63481/2 corespondence was all in IND ppc was marked in EE with : dipoe 3 wire , 16 m height , 7.5 kW power and RCA transmitter
previoussly to it sent 2 lettrs tothem on 3/190 and MARCH 96 but never received answer
JAPAN radio japan variuos cards in ca 40 days w QSL card , prg guide, info on sttaion etc QTH 2-1 Jinnan 2 choome Shbuya ku tkyo 105 01. New on 29/11/96 in 35 days
JAPAN R Aum Srinrikyo
via RR tansmitters 7380 in 37
JAPAN R tampa 9595 in 60 days w QSL card , card and prg sked adress : 9-15 akasaka 1 chome MInato ku tolyo 107 japan
KOREA : KBS sent QSl for the freq 7550 fin 108 days though all the letter refered to 7105 and just for 7550 !!! QTH 18 youido dong Youngdungp ku Seoul 150-790
KOREA L:R Pyongyang from the french sece in 80 days w two QSls per timeof the same day , sked, f/d QSL and twi iisues of 'La coree 'and pennant
LAOS ( QSL ) 15190 + 11870 via Russian Xter s in 1989 unknown time
MALAYSIA VoMAlaysia w pennant , folder , QSL in .....1340 days for arab prg , poss after a ltr in EE sce 120 days before QSL Suara Malaysia POB Bukit Putra Angkasapuri Kuala Lumpur Newest QSL rvd 19-8-96 vby f/d card writen by a Dxer ( 73's) no v/s in 126 days
MARIANNAS ISLANDS KFBS Saipan by ltr + QSL in 120 days v/sGrace Rees QTH FBOx 209 Saipan CM 96950 USA
MONGOLIA R Ulaaanbaatar 7539 w 2 QSLs cards for EE And RR sevices 50days CPO B 365 Ulaanbaatar 13 Mongolia
N COREA R Pyongyang various QSLs in 2 months days in f/d card together with books etc QTH Pyongyang N Corea
N COREA Pyongyang Pangsong 6250 QSL via R Pyongyang in 98 days
NEPAL : ON 23--10-97 i have receievd a QSL card from R Nepal signed by RR S Karki for a reecption of 20 -2- 96 in 5005 1605-13 . Adressradio broadcasting service POB 634 Kathmandu Nepal
PHILIPINES FEBC in 76 days for their transmission of 9780 v/s R Hoyle . They are also in the internet at their adress at english@ febc.jmf.org.ph and for their DX program at DX@febc.jmf.org.ph
PHILIPINES R Veritas Asi a 15130 for RR prog ,a pamphlet on thier programing with calendar included in 45 days v/s Clofee Labindao POB 2642 Quezon C1166 . In older ltr w/o QSL Card !!
SEYCHELLES FEBA : two QSLs in 30 and 38 days for VoTibet relay sce in 15445 same card QTH : FEBA POB 234 Seychelles Infdian Ocean
SINGAPORE City Sounds 6000 by ltr and present (calculator) in 24 days QTH Cadlecott Hill Andrew Rd , S'PORE 1129 v/s Eng tan Lai
TIALAND R Tailand letter received in 180 days total w card for 7120 and program sked JUne
TAIWAN CBS/ ROC 3335 in 80 days with large QSL, 55 Peian Rd Tachih Taipei Taiwan 104
TAIWAN VoFC 15600 w no QSL but info and newsletter in 65 days QTH Box 24-38 Taipai Taiwan
VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam 9840 QSL card in120 days in french transmission QTH Ovs service , V of Vietnam , 58 Quan Su Str , Hanoi , Vietnam
VIETNAM Vietnam HS#2 4960 via the Voiceof Vietnam in 59 days
BOTSWANA R Botswana QSl card in exactly 60 days w. stamped postcard of Information Broadcasting v/s Makgekgenene for no IRC . QRG 4830 stated instead of 4820 :( QTH Private Bag 60- Gaborone
GABON Africa No 1 by ltr & prg sked in 268 days BP 1 Libreville Fax 742133
ERITREA R Fana 6210 Addis Abeba Eth. sent a QSL card , transmission schedule and a sticker Letter was registeredV/s Mulugeta Gessese Gen ManagerAbt 75 days
LIBERIA : R Elwa Monrovia - preprinted ( photocopy A5 paper with data ( 1 kW only) with two signers ( MOses T Nyanteee)
MALAWI :Malawi Broadcasting Corp : sent non QSL letter dated May 4 200, transmission freqs ;v.s E K Lungu controller of transmiters MBCfax 265 671 257 /671 353 and email dgmbc@malawi.net
NIGERIA R Nigeria Kaduna 4770 by ltr by v/s Ahmed A Abdulalhi , Tech Off for 4770 QTH 7 Yakuku Commonwealth POB 250 Kaduna NIgeria tel 22794 212796 242770 tlx 71164 71114. NO IRC SAE sent ( used)
S.AFRICA SABC (South Africa )15240 in 70 days with a half written card and program list and a pen . No v/s (point Litohoron ) .No IRC sent . Channel Africa newer QSL card with the african continent at the one side and a traditional house as background inside the Africa, designed by Steven Neil At opposite side the QSL has the confirmation for my reception on 21/11/95 and 17:15 UTC on 9530 transmission from Meyerton QTH POB 9193 Auckland Pk 7000 S AFRICA
S AFRica /Swaziland QSL from TWR Swaziland 3240Letter sent on 29.4 and reception recived 2.7 sender and signer: Mrs Stavropoulos ( greek person)Letter included : QSL Freq listPamphlet 'receive' Second letter after 15 days
S AFRICA SENTECH : for R Kudirat 6205 v/s Kathy Otto , in 40 days . Included QSl , full transmission info
SENTECH for INvestment Channel 7 days with email after my email : 5865 v/s Kathy Otto
R Uganda received now 17-7-97 at 1500 for 4976
receptions on 5& 6 4-97. Special QSL card on preprinted QSL paper
v/s LB
Lubega Adress : Ministry of Information R Uganda Eng Div POB 2038
Kampala Uganda
signed 20-5-97 Special Info : Home Service 10 KW , LPDA towards N . HE
asks in
further reports
ZAMBIA Christian Voice with printed letter QSL /freq usege in 83 days v/s Andrew Flynn QTH Private Bag E606 Lusaka Zambia tel 260 1 274 251 Fax 260 1 274 526
CANADA RC I 5995 in 30 days Bill Wertenhaven poB 6000 Montreal canada H3C 3A8
CUBA RHC 9820 w QSL card in Spenish rvd in 369 (!) days QTH Ap 6240 Habana Cuba
USA L v de OAS 9670 in ?? days w f/d QSL and spanish magazine OAS QTH 17 str + connstitutionAve NW Washington 20006
USA R Marti w "personal" letter QSl card no v/s for 26-10-95 /7365 adress via VOA
USA R Miami : 9955 in 80days printed letter background map of Cribean v/s Jeff White QTH 850 SW 8th str ste 252 Miami FL 33144 USA
USA UN Radio for RFPI xtion in 92 days QTH : NY 10017 New York USA
USA VOA with a sticker at the right part of the letter with the following text:
We areplease to confirm your reception of the VOA in Oct 26 1995 at 0001 UTC Freq: 9480 via CANOT VERIFY (!!!) transmission was in spanish and it was receved in 14.12.95
USA VWHA 9930 with r QSL in 63 days , 15475 in 90 days card together with their sked v/s Paul Evans with no clear sig .QTH POB 1844 Mt Dora FL 32757 USA
USA WCJR 7490 in 5 months by ltr , prg and booklet v/s Don Powell POB 91 Upton Kentucky 42784 USA
USA WHRI 5850 in 140 days v/s Loren Holigreen QTH POB 12 S Bend 12 46624 USA
USA WRNO in 30 days w QSL card QTH POB 100 N Orleans LA 70181 USA
USA WSHB in 100 days 7535 QSL only v/s Judy P Cooke
USA WWCR 9745 in 101 days QTH 1300 WWCR Ave Nashvilel TN 37218 USA
USA WYFR Family R 9680 f/d card in 4 months + literature and freqs QTH Oakland CA 94621 USA
USA RFA RFAsia . with a 2 page letter concerning info on the station andschedule
USA Newer QSL receoved today 26 from RFA , exactly the same with the previous received last week , therefore i can think it was refered to the tibetan xtions in 7550
WWCR for 15745 in 45 days
ARGENTINA RAE 9690 (2 QSL ) in 130 days w f/d QSLs and thank you ltr v/s Marcella Campos & Rodrigo Colderon - EE service CC 555 Coreeo Centr 1000 B Aires Agrentina
BOLIVIA R Santa Cruz 6135 QSLed in abt 40 days total time , IRC included , v/s Yolanda Marco . Included station folder , personal letter w info in station , verification and info of the area , and a sticker of their FM frequency Very interesting letter indeed
BRAZIL R Aparecida , in 39 days , w SAE , 1 IRC , only a card with QSLing data QTH : Fundacao N S Aparecida Telephone DDD 0125 361133 , FAx 361138 Ave Getulio VArgas 185 Aparecida SP
BRAZIL R Bandeirantes in 34 days for 1 IRc tape and registared letter P with /l stamps of Brazilia ( 5 ) and 2 gray stickersv/s Salomo Esper ( NEW?) /Dir Adreeses: Rua radiantes 13 MOrumba CEP 05699 900 - CP 372 sao Paolo tel 845 7211 Av 13 de maio 23 6 Andar CEP 20031 000 Rio de janeiro tel 21 240 7296 , 2821360 fax 21 240 7296
BRAZIL R Cancao Nova - Fundacao Joao Paolo rvd in 360 days card in english and newspaper for 1 IRC and ltr in SS /EE QTH :CP507 12630-0970 Cachoeira Paulista BRAZIL
BRAZIL Radio Bras 15265 Phototyped QSL w typed frequencies in 135 days v/s Gaby Herta Einstoss QTH R Bras R/N do Brazil Caixa P 08840 Brazilia DF Brazil
COSTA RICA 9725 AWR Costa Rica in ca150 days w p/l QSL card and leafltes on Costa Rica v/s Mirriam Pottinger QTH AWR POB 1177 Alajuela Costa Rica Ltr had been sent to Darmstadt adress
Costa Rica RFPI 9400 in 130 days w QSL card #840 v/s James Latham stn Mgr POB 88 Santa Ana Costa Rica
EQUADOR HCJB Quito 6205 /Russ svce QSL card in 3 monhts v/s Elena Racek
VENEZUELA Ecos del Torbes 4980 SS posted QSL in 139 days for a ltr in English and 2 IRC no clear v/sAp 152 S Cristobal 5001 tachira
VENEZUELA R Tachira 4830 w Spanish QSL unknown 137 days for a ltr in English and 2 IRC Ap 152 S Cristobal 5001 Tachira
ALGERIA Bufaric R 8698 kHz in 85 days with staped ppc and separate ltr v/s MS Medjek Boufaric R NP 234 09400 Boufaric Algerie
BAHRAIN Batelco /Bahrain R 12698 in 30 days for a IRC v/s Waleed Khalaf QTH BATELCO Maritime Operation Centre POB 14 Manama
CANADA CHU 7335 T;/S in 40 days byinfo card only QTH Ottawa CAK 1A
CHECH MFA Prague , in 80 days for 7960 used ppc ,& 3 QSL cards of Chech amateur R/S OK 4111 of him and his sun . v/s Ivan Jancuska , R traffic Mgr , Dpt Comms . Included his own card QTH: MFA Chech Rep Loretanske Nam 5 , 21510 Prague , Fax 42 224310017
CHINA Xinhua New Agency w thank you ltr and freqs in abt 40days
CYPROS Cyprus Telecom Authority in 30 days with QSL Ltr. QTH Telecopms str POB 4929 Nicosia 142 Cyprus
EIRE Shannon Volmet full 5505 page QSL sked in 305 days v/s edmond Lawrence Fax 61047431 , Shannon Aeradio Balygreen Newmarket on Fergus clare EIRE
ENGLAND BT Portishead R for 12835.4 in 23 days wiith p/l QSL and my prepared QSL and leaflet for the history of Posrtishead R v/s Larry Bennett G4HLN , QTH /T Portishead R/S Highbridge TA 9 3JY
FRANCE HWN 12140 in 36 days
FRANCE Saint Lys FT 12605 CW 1316Z in 21 days . w thier QSL card , bokklet of info on services wth returnla of my prepared QSL cards ! Service Comm Radiomaritime Centre Maritime , F314709 S Lys France
GERMANY DAN - Nordddeich R w QSL card in 20 days QTH Postafach 1190 26491 Norden 1 Germany `
GERMANY DDH Offenbach - Deutscher wetterdienst in 60 days w ltr v/s KH Pollowy QTH Kaiserleistr , 63067 Ofenbach Fax 069 80622801
GERMANY NOrddeich DAN for 4308.5 25.1.96 . Letter recevievd today15.2.96 with their card and list of freqs
HUNGARY MTI Hungary 9114 in 20 days QTH Fem U 5 -7 H101 Budapest
ITALY CIRM with p/l on card in 25 days v/sNino Rizzo Dir QTH CORM VIA del Architectura 41 0144 roma
IAR 8670 /CW in 238 days v/s Cucineillo Ciro , is interested in tel cards also ! HIs priv adress : Via V de Santis 18 , 00013 Mo(e)ntana roma , ITALY
ITALY ITAV /Rome Meteo in ca 90 days by ltr sent via the Italian ambassy v/s Magg Gen Carlo Finizio Aaeronautica Militare ITAV Servizio Meteo II Capo de servizio ITALY
KENYA 5YD 13375 - RTYY in 120 days v/s Mengich Chebaiywo Dir Civil Av , QTH Dorectorate Civil Av POB 390163 Nairobi
KENYA meteo 9043 in 60 days v/s seli magida QTH Ministry of Transport and Commerce , Meteo Dept , Dagoretti Com , Ngong rd , POB 30259 Nairobi Kenya tlx 22208
NORWAY : LGJ in 30 d Rogaland R PB 3070b N 4301 Sandes Norway
POLAND Szeczin R - Poland 1 ppc in 20 days with full datails & update list QTH Szeczin R w Trzeszozynie Szeczin
UK RAF London 4725 in 24days w p/l PG Morris Itih Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP 14 4UE Tel 494 496451
USA 6605 NY Radio Volmet in 32 days w p/l & sticker v.s rick haldeman NY - Autoflight Sce - 150 Arrival ave Long Island MC Arhur Airport Ronkoncoma NY 11779
USA QSL : WCC Chatham R CW marker in 6376 , in ca 300 days , via MCI
Per Target Country
CUBA L voz de CID 9940 in ca 100 days w QSL card and info shet in SS v/s Rodrigo Diaz QTH CID Europa AFINSA Portugal K ricardo Jorge 53 Porto 4000 PORTUGAL
IRAN Otganization of Human rights and freedom of Iran (VOHRI) 9250 by ltr and organiztion info v/s Mina Alborzi 18 bis rue Violet 75015 Paris France Fax 33 1 46034974
MYANMAR Democratic V of Burma , ltr in 29 days w p/l v/s HArn Yaungwhe for a ltr with logs per 13 and 14 June. NO IRC sent but ppc and SAE( used) QTH : POB 6720 St Olavs Plass 0130 Oslo Norway Tel 4722200021 fax/tel 4722362525 email dvb@sn.no
TIBET V fo Tibet : reply in 30 days for a taped report , v/s Kjell Solli w letter only . QTH V o T , welhavens gate 1 0166 Oslo tel 22 114980 Fax 22114988
GERMANY ELF-RC reply in 20
days v/s Seyoum O Michael with letter POB 200343 ,53134 Bonn FRG ,tel
fax 49 0
228356 181 ,email MGhebresel@aol.com ,http://www.erols.com/meskerem
EIRE Reflexions Europe, in 15 days Freq 6295 w their RADIO FAX card and a list of programs they relay ( with their adresses) for1 IRC . They also carry some DX material for selling as well as Tshirts
GREECE Erotikos MW - in 35 days after 3 f/up tel calls handwriten QSL in a pre-formed card , in my house
ITALY IRRS 7125 w f/d posted card in 17 days for 1 IRC POB 40930 I 20110 Milano Italy fax 39 -2-2666971 same station in 2 days by email and in 10 days by fax
ITALY PLAY DX 7295 f/d card in 20 days vs Dario Monferini during his visit in my QTH !! c/o Play DX via davanzatti 2 20158 Milano Italy
ITALY R Europe 7295 f/d card in 20 days vs Dario Monferini during his visit in my QTH !! c/o Play DX via davanzatti 2 20158 Milano Italy
ITALY R Speranza v/s P Luigi Cordioli Largo S Giorgio 91 41110 MOdena . in 20 days with a handwriten postcard with a stamped adress and personal letter plus a personal letter in II ( my letter was in II and assistance by Walter Mola in the translation )
ITALY? European Christian R ?? Days w info sheet & cmputer generated card v/s CRColeman QTH N/A
ITALY R Internationale with thank you email mesage 1 day after the 4 th f/up v/s Tomassi Paolo total time 35 days
ITALY Tele Radio Stereo with letter in 120 days v/s c/o Dario Monferini
for two reports during last year for 7590 and 11470 ( SWRS
and R
Strike services )
NETHERLANDS Spaceman - long awaited - after some email exchange Log was on 6.2 sent 15.2 received 19 Jul Reply with ltr, prepared in dot printer and a card showing the 1 kW spare xter -at front side , rear side with my data v/s Spacewoman
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